New Series! New Book.


illustrated romance cover with dark haired man and woman in car

Hi, welcome!

Hi, welcome!

I write been-through-stuff sexy fun contemporary romance stories

CONTACT ME, I’d love to hear from you: Email:

Yvette new book (720 x 905 px)


Hi, I’m a romance writer in Dallas, TX.

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What am I up to? 

If you’ve made it this far, it means you’re (one of the very few) genuinely curious about what’s next so, I’m going to be honest and say, I’m not sure.

Around May of 2024 I forced myself to pick a launch date for Mine to Match (because I’m goal driven and wouldn’t have released otherwise) and went full out –  spending around $5k from commissioning an artist for my cover, to hiring a production company, to partnering with well known entities to market/advertise.

I even tried (what I thought was a fun) idea to do a “give back” launch where people who donated to their food bank would be entered for a chance to win a copy of my book AND a donation to their food bank (by me) in their honor.  Annnnd, not a one person played. Total fail – heh.

More though, it’s been almost 2 weeks since MtM’s launch and it’s made less than $10. Ten dollars, yo…. Ouch. *winces and bites her knuckle Dorothy-style*

As it turns out – based on new president/boycotts/unrest,  I probably couldn’t have picked a worse date.  Or – with more realistic honesty –  maybe I’m just not that good of a writer, and I’m just seeing the writing that’s been on the wall? 

Still! I don’t – AT ALL – regret writing and publishing my sassy little love stories. Doing so has been so freaking joyful (with a huge chunk of angst too tho, not gonna lie). 

I’ve got a few stories I’m tinkering with here and there but, well…we’ll see? *insert an “I don’t know” shrug here*

In the meantime, thank you so very much for reading! I’m, for sure, still a reader, and always open to good book suggestions!

All the best, YdO (03/11/2025)



